Sunday, July 3, 2011


Here is what we've been up to this summer!

playing with the ashes in the fire pit (the fire was out of course!)

Big brother cutting little brother's hair- which resulted in a very short haircut!

We went on a road trip to Kansas City- and stopped by Liberty!

We battled a bat that suddenly appeared one evening while watching TV- I almost had a heart attack! Those are some of the scariest animals ever to me! A rodent- that flies :( it's just so wrong!

fishing derby- where every kid got a kids got a tackle box and some lures for FREE!!!

Celebrated my 6th wedding anniversary with our first trip away from the kids together- we've spent nights away from the kids, but not at the same time

We got a "new" riding lawn mower and have been working on our yard...

and we've been spending time at the park with our friends!
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