Friday, November 19, 2010

Halloween! :)

We had a little Superman and a Fire Chief :) Topher originally wanted to be a ghost but all the ghost costumes were a bit too scary for them and it would have cost me more to make one myself so we talked him into a firefighter! :)

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10/28 Carving Pumpkins

The boys supervised as dad used the knife...
Since they can't use knives yet they got to pull out some seeds, but I don't think they liked it much...
This is the ghost face that Topher chose to have on his pumpkin.
Matt wanted Mickey Mouse, and we didn't have a pattern so I had to try to come up with one- it looked more like a teddy bear but it was still really cute!
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10/25 Pumpkin picking!

Topher found his pumpkin! (This is what his preschool picture smile looked like)
There was also a sizable stack of hay that they had to climb on of course!
I don't think Topher is the most photogenic, but I must applaud his front of the "pumpkin snowman"
Threre were rows of pumpkins to choose from- we kind of picked a couple and asked which one? It was fun- the kids were so wore out that evening :)
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Monday, October 4, 2010

Matt's birthday! 9/25/10

The cannons were a little loud...
Dressing up in period clothing!

The reenactment.
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Fun in our new house

We had the missionaries over for dinner and for their message they dressed up a bit! Topher just had to try one on for size! :D
My little cowboys! Mike had wanted to leave this horse behind, but they were just starting to use it...
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9/18 Birthday Party

We had to go back to Peoria for a friend's birthday party! (plus the coupon shopping in Danville sucks!)

It was pouring (of course!) so bad that the boys thought we'd get stuck in all the water, but we made it to our pirate party!
This is Topher's first time miniature golfing- I don't think he quite understood the rules, but he had fun.
Matt liked throwing the ball around and putting it into the holes.
The whole party- and the birthday boy was not quite sure how to take all the attention he was getting. :(
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1st day of school! 9/9/10

Topher is starting preschool! It was so exciting that Matt had to get in on the action as well. Topher was so excited! Matt had a hard time leaving big brother though :( He had a really fun time, but the next 3 drop-offs were kind of rough. A lot of crying and screaming- I actually had to threaten to take him to school without clothes one morning because he thought if he didn't wear clothes he wouldn't have to go...but he's loving it now, we just had to wait for him to acclimate. ;)
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We're moving!

We are moving to Danville, IL so what does Matt do to help? That's right! Create more work by coloring on the....

wall going downstairs....
the wall at the bottom of the stairs....
and of course we can't forget the carpet! Thanks Matt that was a fun
45 minute clean-up! :)
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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

7/23 Kids Discovery Museum

Topher pretending to be a bear??? I think
Benjamin and Topher are news anchors!
At the building area which was by far all the boys favorite. There were big bulldozer trucks for Matt to play with and the older boys played with the hand crank cranes and big foam blocks. My nephew loved the hard hat and safety vest to play in.
My nephew Brandon in the "store" area of the museum! What a cute shopkeeper he is!
After doing all of the border-line for all ages activities, we decided to do something just for the kids- and they loved it! We went to the Gateway Mall on Trax and went to the museum, then lunch, then back to the museum at their request! Luckily my sister-in-law (a fellow couponer) had some 2 for 1 coupons so it was relatively inexpensive.
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7/22 Mount Timpanogos

Partway up the 1.5 miles up the mountain...we had to carry Matt part of the way up and most of the way down. I wouldn't do it again with the little boys unless I had packed a lunch and had a backpack to carry Matt in and started earlier!
This is the lake we drove to (on a very bumpy dirt road) after lunch for fishing-Topher took this picture which is why its a bit crooked...
It was gorgeous, but a bit muddy-the boys were sooo dirty when we got back in the car!
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Friday, July 23, 2010

The Draper Temple 7/21

The Draper Temple
Topher is pretty much obsessed with seeing every one up close theat he can.

If you can see through the smog you can see the Jordan River Temple (it's white and off center to the left and up just a bit)
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Hogle Zoo 7/21

All the boys posing with a metal rhino.
Getting a drink from the lion water fountain
The animal Topher wanted to see most- the giraffes.
Waiting for the bird show to start. It was soooo fun!
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