Tuesday, July 27, 2010

7/23 Kids Discovery Museum

Topher pretending to be a bear??? I think
Benjamin and Topher are news anchors!
At the building area which was by far all the boys favorite. There were big bulldozer trucks for Matt to play with and the older boys played with the hand crank cranes and big foam blocks. My nephew loved the hard hat and safety vest to play in.
My nephew Brandon in the "store" area of the museum! What a cute shopkeeper he is!
After doing all of the border-line for all ages activities, we decided to do something just for the kids- and they loved it! We went to the Gateway Mall on Trax and went to the museum, then lunch, then back to the museum at their request! Luckily my sister-in-law (a fellow couponer) had some 2 for 1 coupons so it was relatively inexpensive.
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7/22 Mount Timpanogos

Partway up the 1.5 miles up the mountain...we had to carry Matt part of the way up and most of the way down. I wouldn't do it again with the little boys unless I had packed a lunch and had a backpack to carry Matt in and started earlier!
This is the lake we drove to (on a very bumpy dirt road) after lunch for fishing-Topher took this picture which is why its a bit crooked...
It was gorgeous, but a bit muddy-the boys were sooo dirty when we got back in the car!
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Friday, July 23, 2010

The Draper Temple 7/21

The Draper Temple
Topher is pretty much obsessed with seeing every one up close theat he can.

If you can see through the smog you can see the Jordan River Temple (it's white and off center to the left and up just a bit)
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Hogle Zoo 7/21

All the boys posing with a metal rhino.
Getting a drink from the lion water fountain
The animal Topher wanted to see most- the giraffes.
Waiting for the bird show to start. It was soooo fun!
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7/20 later that day...

After we finished at Golden Spike we drove to Logan, UT to the college for some Aggie Ice Cream and on the way there Topher saw the temple so we had to stop. :)
It was gorgeous, but unfortunatly was closed for cleaning :(
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7/20 Golden Spike

The Golden Spike National Monument (in the middle of nowhere Utah).
A replica of the train from the West called the Jupiter...
And the replica of the train from the East No. 119
Our hands are joined over the last railroad tie. You can see how the ties are different, milled on the left (West) and hand cut on the right (East).
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7/19 Downtown Salt Lake City

The boys wanted to see the temple.
Topher really wanted to see it.
The conference center.
This little guy was ready to pose too! At the Tabernacle.
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7/17 Family reunion

A 5 generation photo! The boys with great-great grandma Munford!
Matthew's first horse ride on great-Uncle Scott's horse named Chip!
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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

July 4th at the Peoria Riverfront!

I think Topher has an admirer! ;)
The boys were waving their flags as the fireworks were going off- Matt waved his so fast when there some that he liked, Mike got hit in the face a couple of times!
We have never been disappointed with the fireworks at the riverfront- they were excellent this year and the Prarie Air Show preview was great too!
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Monday June 28, 2010

Astro Boy was playing at the Glen Oak Amphitheatre for .50/person so I thought we should try it while the weather was sooo cooperative. It was so mild and great! We were able to watch most of the movie- It didn't start until about 9 or so...so we were all tired and ready for home a bit after 10- but we had fun while we were there! I had tons of snacks for the boys to keep them happy until it was time to start. They also had a lot of fun running around in the grass and watching the others that were there.
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