Sunday, September 13, 2009

Daddy's boys

September 10, 2009 Matthew was not having a good day and needed to snuggle with his Daddy. He snuggles with Dad 10 x's more than Mom, but I have to admit that it is sooooo stinkin' cute!

Dinner time

Topher has figured out how to cross his eyes! :D
This is how Matthew "helps" me make dinner while I am in the kitchen.

This is the first time he just climbed into the cupboard and started pulling everything that he reached out! It was such a mess! 9/7/09

Beavis and Butthead

For whatever reason Mike and I were talking about the cartoon Beavis and Butthead while we were getting the boys ready for bed. As you can see Topher was the one who got to relive the "Cornholio" part of that show. Topher's version is way cuter and more innocent than the cartoon version.

The Rock Island Trail

So instead of getting a double stroller we got a double wagon, the boys love it!
Took the boys here for playgroup 8/26/09 The boys almost lost a stuffed animal from the library.


Can you tell that the boys are used to posing for the camera? Look at the cheesiness! Matthew is 11 months old on the day this picture was taken.
This is one of the best pictures we have gotten of Topher in a very long time. He usually turns away before the camera is ready.

August 22,2009

Matthew loves to eat dirt, anytime he has the opportunity, he eats it!
I guess this is what we get for sitting on the deck and letting him play in the grass/dirt down the stairs. You have to admit though that he looks cute! About a minute after this was taken he went straight into the bathtub! :)

life with school/kids

So now that school is in full swing I am really finding personal time hard to come by. Most days I get everything done that I need to, but not always. Mike has been so great at picking up the slack, and this week there was a lot! I feel at times like I am missing things, but I am not (most days). On Wednesday while I was finishing up an assignment I put Topher downstairs to watch a movie and he wanted me to watch with him and I told him that I couldn't right then, so he has a crocheted Winnie the Pooh that he plopped down next to him. He said that "Pooh wants to watch a movie too." He is growing up so fast and his vocabulary is improving so rapidly! He hardly ever leaves words out of sentences anymore. Matthew is starting to thin out except for his thighs, still not walking unless we help him, but he is enjoying that more and more. He is starting to "talk" a little now. He can say "Hi", "Bye" "Bub-ba (Topher)," "Mama," "Dadda," and "Amen." He is also signing now, "more," and "all done," and "hungry." With as much as he wants to talk, he may end up being a late walker, but we will see.